203 Nicholas Upchurch – How Do You Find Your Purpose? – PART TWO

David Brower:              How do you truly find your purpose? Is that a black and white answer or is that a journey? How do you do this? Nicholas U.:                  Sure, and I think you would agree. I think probably it could be a journey. I think some people, especially in more men, we try to make…

202 Nicholas Upchurch – How Do You Find Your Purpose? – PART ONE

David Brower:              Hi, this is David Brower with Your 20 Minute Podcast. Our special guest today is Nicholas Upchurch from Miami Beach, Florida. How are you, Nicholas? Nicholas U.:                  Good, David. How are you? David Brower:              I’m very well, very well. Thank you. It looks like you’ve got a great background in digital marketing. The…

201 Heather Criswell author of the award-winning book How to Raise a Happy Child PART TWO

Transcript:                    Here is part two of interview of our interview with Heather Criswell, “When Life is Rooted in Love” Heather Criswell:         I think that we can relate to each other through story, and that’s been generation after generation, we used to sit on the porch step and tell stories, around campfires, stories. Because, stories give…

200 Heather Criswell author of the award-winning book, How to Raise a Happy Child (and be happy too) PART ONE

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. This is David Brower with Your 20 Minute Podcast. Our special guest today is Heather Criswell, the founder of WiseInside; a speaker; an author of the award-winning book, How to Raise a Happy Child (and be happy too) and Wise Talk from the Other Side. She also is the host of Wise…

199 Scott Ayres – Co-Author of the Book: Facebook All In One For Dummies

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. This is David Brower with your 20 minute podcast and our special guest today is Scott Ayres from Texas, beautiful downtown Texas and Scott’s the co-author of Facebook All in One for Dummies, he’s a podcast host for Social Media Lab powered by Agorapulse and he has written over 2,000 blog posts…

198 Tommy Baker – “I Don’t Have It All Figured Out But I Sure Love The Process”

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. This is David Brower with Your 20 Minute Podcast. Our special guest from Scottsdale, Arizona is Tommy Baker. He’s a writer, speaker, author, and coach, host of the Resist Average Academy, and starting out in the fitness industry and running Tommy Baker Fitness, Tommy has continued to follow his passion for learning,…

197 Rabbi Gruen – Author of the Book Get Along With Everyone

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. This is David Brower with Your 20 Minute Podcast. Our special guest is Rabbi Shimon Gruen. He’s an author and a publisher, and he is available to talk to a lot of folks about his unique methodology promoting interpersonal understanding and building relationships. He the book Fragile Factor, and his latest book…

196 Ross Keating – A Client Orchardist That Helps You Grow Your Business

Transcript:                    This is David Brower with Your 20 Minute Podcast. Our special guest, from Queensland, Australia, today is Ross Keating, the client orchardist. David Brower:              Hey, Ross. Welcome. Nice to have you here. Ross Keating:                Hello, David. Thank you very much for having me on the show. I’m excited to be here. David Brower:              There’s…

195 Hilary Jastrum SickBiz.com Supporting Chronically Ill and Disabled Entrepreneurs PART TWO

Transcript:                    Here’s part two of our interview with Hilary Jastrum. You can learn more about sickbiz.com next. Hilary Jastrum:             I said, okay, all right, I need to exercise. So I bought a little exercise bike. It’s a recumbent one. It sits in the living room. We put it in the living room so I’ll actually…

194 Hilary Jastrum: SickBiz.com Supporting Chronically Ill and Disabled Entrepreneurs PART ONE

Transcript:                    Thanks Allan, this is David Brower with your 20 minute podcast. Our special guest today is Hilary Jastrum, and she is, man she is on a roll, She has so much passion to support entrepreneurs in all kinds of different ways, with the inception of a program called SickBiz. And I am fascinated by…