173 Lyndsay Phillips – Understanding How Content Marketing Can Help Your Business

Transcript:                    Welcome back to your 20 minute podcast with David Brower, and our special guest today is Lindsay Phillips from SS Online Support. Hey Lindsay, how is Canada this morning? LyndsayPhillips:            It is feeling like spring. The mornings are brighter, and it’s not as dark right after dinner. I am feeling like there’s a new…

172 Ken Bator – Creator of the B+C+S Formula for Business Success

Transcript:                    Hi, this is David Brower and welcome back to Your 20 Minute Podcast. Our guest today is Ken Bator. He’s the creator of the B+C+S Formula, and the author of The Formula for Business Success. Welcome, Ken, from the wonderful world of Long Beach, California. Ken Bator:                    Thank you, David. Thank you for having…

171 Elliott Katz – Being The Strong Man A Woman Wants

Transcript:                    You’re listening to your 20-minute Podcast with David Brower and our special guest today, Elliott Katz, who has written a book that every man should read and understand. Is that right? Elliott Katz:                   Exactly. David Brower:              It’s called Being the Strong Man a Woman Wants: Timeless Wisdom on Being a Man, it’s- and um,…

170 Matt Miller – Founder of School Spirit Vending

Transcript:                  Thanks, Mike. This is David Brower with Your 20 Minute Podcast. Our special guest today, from the middle of E-I-E-I-O, Texas, is Matt Miller. How are you? Matt Miller:                 Awesome, Dave. How are you? David Brower:              I understand that’s not the real name of the town,…

169 Tasha Scott – Empowering Women in Business

Transcript:                    Welcome to your 20 minute podcast where it’s nice to have you back. And our special guest today is Tasha M Scott and, uh, Tasha is a success connector. She helps women to connect with their true path to success through her speaking, coaching, and writing. She empowers women in business to unleash and…

167 Sasha Loghornh – A Coach on Life Strategies, Business, and Spirituality (A Best Of)

Transcript:                    Hi this is David Brower, and welcome to another edition of your twenty minute podcast. My guest today is Sasha Loghonh, and she bring over 15 years of experience to the commercial and spiritual realm, by working with private and commercial clients. Hi, Sasha, how are you? SASHA LOGHONH:         Hi, David., thank you for…

167 Dr Laurence Peters – Retirement Reading: Bibliotherapy For The Over 60’s Crowd

Transcript:                    Welcome back to your 20 Minute Podcast with David Brower and our guest today is Dr. Laurence Peters. He’s an author, an educator. He’s got a BA, an MA, a PhD, a law degree. Man, you have been one busy guy. Laurence Peters:          Eternal student. I love it. David Brower:              Good for you. Laurence…

166 Casey Stanton – Tech Guys Who Get Marketing

Transcript:                    Welcome back to your 20 minute podcast with David Brower and our special guest today is Casey Stanton. Former professor of marketing at Tulane University in New Orleans and a trusted authority in the field of marketing. And uh, you are on the road as we speak, right? Casey Stanton:              Yeah. Hey David. Good…

165 Anmol Singh – A Community of Traders for Traders by Traders

Transcript:                    You’re listening to your 20 minute podcast with David Brower. I want to welcome my guest Anmol Singh, talking to him today from uh, New York City. Greetings Anmol, how are ya? Anmol Singh:                I’m good, thanks for having me. David Brower:              Good, you’re very welcome. So livetraders.com is a collaboration between you and…

164 Todd Lemense – An Expert in Ego Control and Keeping Things in Perspective

David Brower:              Hi. This is David Brower and your 20 minute podcast continues with our special guest today Todd Lemense. Did I pronounce that right? TODD LEMENSE:            Perfect pronunciation, David. David Brower:              (laughs) All right. Score one for me. Todd is a business and motivational speaker with a specialization in personal accountability and business accountability.…