013: Jan Roos – Creates Online Content & Paid Traffic Ideas for the Service Industry

Transcript: Jan is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, using techniques developed while building national brands in the hyper-competitive consumer product space. His company has helped small and solo law firms in the most crowded markets in the U.S. generate hundreds of thousands in case billings, uh, every year. Jan Roos:                                 Yeah, absolutely. So, I mean, while…

012: John Vespasian – An Expert on Rational Living by Using History

Transcript: You have eight books on rational living. How did you, how did you get started in these kinds of conversations? What was your, was your, epiphany, your life lesson that got you here? JOHN VESPASIAN:               Well with, um, what initially draw me to write was pure frustration. I have to say, frustration and irritation.…

010: Abhi Golhar – Real Estate Investing for The Beginner

Transcript: Abhi has an online community dedicated to the voice of real estate investing. It’s designed for beginner investors looking how to get started and to the seasoned professional looking to take it to, uh, the next level. It’s called GetReadyDealTalk, uh, .com. So, how long you been doing this online program? Abhi Golhar:                      Well,…

007 Daryl Urbanski – An Expert on Virtual Teams and Team Building

Trascript: Daryl Urbanski, founder, president of Bestbusinesscoach.ca and host of the Best Business podcast. Hey, good morning where I’m at, uh, what time a day is where you’re at Daryl? Daryl Urbanski:                    Uh, we are approaching 2am here, so, but … David Brower:                      Oh my … Daryl Urbanski:                    I’m used to it though. David Brower:                     …

005: Todd Lemense – An Expert in Ego Control and Keeping Things in Perspective

Transcript: Todd is a business and motivational speaker with a specialization in personal accountability and business accountability. He’s also an ex-, expert in ego control and keeping things in proper perspective. Todd’s received national speaker awards and spo-, spoke to more than 500 huge corporations, been sharing his perspective for, uh, since 2008 and has…