048 Matt Miller – School Spirit Vending

Our special guest today, from the middle of E-I-E-I-O, Texas, is Matt Miller. How are you? Matt Miller:                           Awesome, Dave. How are you? David Brower:                      I understand that’s not the real name of the town, but it’s pretty good. Matt Miller:                           Yeah, we’re outside of Fort Worth. We live on a gravel road. Whenever anybody…

043: Mary Shores – Imagine Being The Happiest Most Fulfilled Version of Yourself

Transcript: You’re the owner and founder of Midstate Collection Solutions, Inc., and we are not talking about collections today, right? Mary Shores:                     That’s right. David Brower:                   You have some really cool stuff on your website. The first question I read was, “Can you imagine the happiest, most fulfilled version of yourself?” I mean, who doesn’t…

041: Lee Caraher – Author of “The Boomerang Principal” for Business

Lee is the author of “The Boomerang Principle: Inspire Lifetime Loyalty from Your Employees.” She’s an entrepreneur and a CEO with over 20 years experience, building positive high performing work teams. Man, isn’t that what every business is looking for today? Lee Caraher:                       I hope so. David Brower:                   Right. Lee Caraher:                       [crosstalk 00:00:26] in life.…