240 DaPorscha Rufus – Her Book Has 366 Devotions on Different Topics

Transcript:                    This is David Brower and our guest today is DaPorscha Rufus. Um, are you in Dallas, by chance? DaPorscha Rufus:          Yes, I am. David Brower:              Lucky guess. DaPorscha Rufus:          (laughs) David Brower:              (laughs) I read your bio, it makes me sound smart. (laughs) DaPorscha Rufus:          (laughs) David Brower:              You have the greatest laugh. Oh…

067: DaPorscha Rufus – Her Book Has 366 Devotions on Different Topics (A “Best Of” for the holidays)

Transcript: David Brower:                      You have the greatest laugh. Oh my goodness. That’s, uh, infectious. DaPorscha Rufus:               Thank you! (laughs) David Brower:                      Oh my goodness. All right. DaPorscha, DaPorscha is from Dallas, and, uh, she was rai-, raised by a teenage mom with the help of God. She started reading and writing at a young age,…

015: DaPorscha Rufus – Her Book Has 366 Devotions on Different Topics

Transcript: You have the greatest laugh. Oh my goodness. That’s, uh, infectious. DaPorscha Rufus:               Thank you! (laughs) David Brower:                      Oh my goodness. All right. DaPorscha is from Dallas, and, uh, she was rai-, raised by a teenage mom with the help of God. She started reading and writing at a young age, not knowing that…