198 Tommy Baker – “I Don’t Have It All Figured Out But I Sure Love The Process”

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. This is David Brower with Your 20 Minute Podcast. Our special guest from Scottsdale, Arizona is Tommy Baker. He’s a writer, speaker, author, and coach, host of the Resist Average Academy, and starting out in the fitness industry and running Tommy Baker Fitness, Tommy has continued to follow his passion for learning,…

196 Ross Keating – A Client Orchardist That Helps You Grow Your Business

Transcript:                    This is David Brower with Your 20 Minute Podcast. Our special guest, from Queensland, Australia, today is Ross Keating, the client orchardist. David Brower:              Hey, Ross. Welcome. Nice to have you here. Ross Keating:                Hello, David. Thank you very much for having me on the show. I’m excited to be here. David Brower:              There’s…

191 Nikki Stern – A Passionate StoryTeller Novelist and Non-Fiction Author.

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. This is David Brower with your 20 Minute Podcast. Our special guest today is Nikki Stern. She’s an author of three books, two non-fiction, one fiction. She’s written essays. She’s co-authored different things. She’s been a composer, musician in New York, a PR director for an architecture firm, and an advocate for…

190 Nathan Walker – A 33 Year Old Multi-Millionaire Teaches You How to Succeed in Direct Sales

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. Hi, this is David Brower. And our special guest today is the Nathan Walker, a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, direct sales expert, and business owner with over 15 years of direct sales experience and business building. He’s changed the lives of many with his ability to level up your life, regardless of the…

176 Richard Chapo – An Internet Attorney

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. This is David Brower with your 20 Minute Podcast. Our special guest today from San Diego is Richard Chapo and he’s the attorney that helps you protect yourself in this ever-changing world of the internet. Hey, Richard. How are you? Richard Chapo:             Doing well. Thank you for having me on. David Brower:             …

175 Kellen Kautzman – Cause Marketing Is A New Way to Promote Your Business

Transcript:                    Thanks Mike and welcome back to your 20 minute podcast with David Brower, special guest today is Kellen Kautzman from beautiful downtown Las Vegas Nevada. How are you Kellen? Kellen Kautzman:         I am doing quite well David, how are you sir? David Brower:              I’m well, thank you, thank you. One of the things that…

174 Clyde P Riddlesbrood – Learning Business Tips from The Arts

Transcript:                    Welcome back to Your 20-Minute Podcast with David Brower. Our special guest today is Clyde P. Riddlesbrood, the founder and owner of the Riddlesbrood Touring Theater Company in New Jersey. Clyde, a pleasure to have you here. CP Riddlesbrood:          Thank you very much, David. It’s a pleasure to be on your show today. I’m…

173 Lyndsay Phillips – Understanding How Content Marketing Can Help Your Business

Transcript:                    Welcome back to your 20 minute podcast with David Brower, and our special guest today is Lindsay Phillips from SS Online Support. Hey Lindsay, how is Canada this morning? LyndsayPhillips:            It is feeling like spring. The mornings are brighter, and it’s not as dark right after dinner. I am feeling like there’s a new…

172 Ken Bator – Creator of the B+C+S Formula for Business Success

Transcript:                    Hi, this is David Brower and welcome back to Your 20 Minute Podcast. Our guest today is Ken Bator. He’s the creator of the B+C+S Formula, and the author of The Formula for Business Success. Welcome, Ken, from the wonderful world of Long Beach, California. Ken Bator:                    Thank you, David. Thank you for having…