075 Patrick Fitzgibbons – The CJ Evolution Podcast About Law Enforcement

Transcript:                    Thanks Allan, this is David Brower with Your 20 Minute podcast. Our special guest today, Patrick Fitzgibbons, a criminal justice expert who just lives up the road from me. Hi Patrick, how are you? Pat Fitzgibbons:            How are you, thanks for having me on. David Brower:              You bet. It’s very rare we get a…

065 Curtis Bailey – Things You Need to Know About Scams (a “Best Of” for the holidays)

TRANSCRIPT:                 Thanks a lot, Mike. Welcome back to Your 20 Minute Podcast with your host David Brower, and our special guest today Curtis Bailey from St. Louis. Greetings, Curtis. Curtis Bailey:                Hi, David. How are you? David Brower:              I’m great. Thank you so much, and thanks for what you do. I was really intrigued about…

048 Matt Miller – School Spirit Vending

Our special guest today, from the middle of E-I-E-I-O, Texas, is Matt Miller. How are you? Matt Miller:                           Awesome, Dave. How are you? David Brower:                      I understand that’s not the real name of the town, but it’s pretty good. Matt Miller:                           Yeah, we’re outside of Fort Worth. We live on a gravel road. Whenever anybody…