189 Pam Day -Breathing Space – Be Guided to Gain Balance Between Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Self

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. This is David Brower. Our special guest today is Pam Day. She’s a certified life spiritual coach, an artist, a writer, musician, and she owns the Breathing Space here where I live in Loveland, Colorado. Pam Day:                      Hi, David. I’m well. Thanks for…

086 Pam Day – Breathing Space – Be Guided to Gain Balance Between Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Self

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. This is David Brower. Our special guest today is Pam Day. She’s a certified life spiritual coach, an artist, a writer, musician, and she owns the Breathing Space here where I live in Loveland, Colorado. Pam Day:                      Hi, David. I’m well. Thanks for having me today. David Brower:              You bet. I’ve been…

053 Dr. Kathy Gruver – A health and wellness expert who specializes in stress, mind-body medicine, mindfulness, meditation, and nutrition.

Dr. Kathy Gruver is a health and wellness expert who specializes in stress, mind-body medicine, mindfulness, meditation, and nutrition. She’s an award-winning author with five books, has lectured around the world, and in your spare time, what do you do, Doc? Kathy Gruver:                       Trapeze and hip-hop dancing. David Brower:                      I saw that. That was my…