186 Joshua Shea – The Addiction No One Will Talk About PART TWO

Transcript:                    Thanks, Allan. Here’s part two of my interview with Joshua Shea. Like you said, whether it’s food, or baseball cards, or trying to beat the kid around the corner on your trike, I mean, it seems like everybody has some level of an addition, and it can catch you off guard, and get amplified,…

185 Joshua Shea – The Addiction Nobody Will Talk About – PART ONE

Transcript:                    Thanks Allan. This is David Brower and our special guest today is Joshua Shea, who wrote the book The Addiction Nobody Will Talk About: How I Let My Pornography Addiction Hurt People and Destroy Relationships. Joshua, pleasure to have you on the podcast, man. How’s the world of Maine today? Joshua Shea:                 The world…