007 Daryl Urbanski – An Expert on Virtual Teams and Team Building

Trascript: Daryl Urbanski, founder, president of Bestbusinesscoach.ca and host of the Best Business podcast. Hey, good morning where I’m at, uh, what time a day is where you’re at Daryl? Daryl Urbanski:                    Uh, we are approaching 2am here, so, but … David Brower:                      Oh my … Daryl Urbanski:                    I’m used to it though. David Brower:                     …

005: Todd Lemense – An Expert in Ego Control and Keeping Things in Perspective

Transcript: Todd is a business and motivational speaker with a specialization in personal accountability and business accountability. He’s also an ex-, expert in ego control and keeping things in proper perspective. Todd’s received national speaker awards and spo-, spoke to more than 500 huge corporations, been sharing his perspective for, uh, since 2008 and has…

003: Peggy Sealfon – Overcoming Stress and Anxiety

Transcript: Peggy is devoted to helping people overcome life’s big and small frustrations and challenges through stress, anxiety, trauma, and pain to super charge their lives. She’s a personal development coach, motivational speaker, inter- internationally known as a expert in overcoming stress and anxiety, two of the buzzwords today, that’s for sure. Your book “Integrated…